
The XXIst Edition, 30 of September – 6 of October, Tirgu Mureș, Romania

SIMFEST is a film and TV festival – competition, the only one of this kind in Romania and one of the few in Europe. It is organized every year by “SIMFEST Cultural Association”, which supports and promotes the creators in visual arts. SIMFEST stands for professionalism and for the freedom of expression of the journalists and the media producers. The festival promotes, at the same time, local journalism and community mass-media.

The SIMFEST Festival try to bring beside it the most of the launched or confirmed values, and also the friends who came next to it in this years.

It is a complex manifestation for electronic media. It is the annual meeting point of the film’s and TV’s world specialists from Romania and, in the last years, from all of the world, of students, independent producers, and of media enthusiasts; it is a competition that it’s designed to find and form values and talents, to give them the needed validation and for connecting them with the medium in which they can develop. It is a competition and, at the same time, a media school and a cultural event.

Components are:
  • The Competition
  • The Summer School for journalists and media creators
  • The official program of the festival

The festival is hosted physical in Tirgu Mures, but also in the virtual space, on the official page Simfest Romania on Facebook and on it’s own webpage

The festival is physical hosted in Tirgu Mures and also online on the official Facebook page Simfest Romania and on the website

The Competition is opened to all the media creators, reporters, cameramen and media producers from Romania but also from other countries, but is also opened to freelancers, to students and territorial correspondents of central televisions, production houses, as well as to all multimedia creators. It has seven sections:

  • STUDENT PROJECT (separated sections for FICTION and NONFICTION)
  • FICTION (separated sections for SHORT MOVIES and FEATURE FILMS)

The jury of the competition consists out of well-known personalities in the field of journalism, TV and cinema from Romania and from other countries.

The official program of the festival is available for the public with the purpose to, on one hand, construct a way of communication between the creators of media and those whom they serve: the consumers of information in order for the audience to correctly understand the messages transmitted through media. On the other hand, it offers a space of free expression and a non-formal platform for professional development. Therefore, SIMFEST is a festival not only a film and TV competition but also a cultural complex. The 2024 program consists of – beside others:

  • Public physical screenings of the Romanian productions from the competition, debates
  • Screening online of the productions from the competition
  • Public screenings, followed by debates, of documentaries or feature films, with the occasion of THE DAYS OF ROMANIAN FILM
  • Workshops and master classes (The Summer School SIMFEST)
  • Gala of the laureates including musical recitals and poems (Saturday, October, 5th)

The scheduled activities will be hosted in the medieval fortress of the city and at the Cultural Palace. The film screenings will be hosted at Cultural Center Mihai Eminscu.

International recognition: SIMFEST is known and recognized in the Romanian mass-media as a role model in the promotion of artists’ free expression and for the promotion and being an advocate of real media professionalism. Most of the creators attending SIMFEST for the past years, have also won international recognition at competitions organized in Sibiu, Prague, Belgrade, Bucharest, London, Kishinaw and Tel Aviv.

The Festival and its partners will be promoted by the media partners and also using its own tools: posters, banners, flyers, catalogue, webpage and Facebook page etc. In all this years, the festival has contracted dozens of media partnerships and were published or issued more than 1800 articles or radio or TV reports.


The Cultural Association SIMFEST

President: Ioan Ceausescu

Mobile: +40 722 214787; +40 722 299794

E-mail: office (at); simfestmures (at)

Website:    Facebook: Simfest Romania